2025 Lumier New Year Bag/TOPS&OUTER
※サイズ表記について商品によりサイズに多少のバラツキがございます。ハッピーセット内の商品はランダムで組まれお客様の元へお届けいたしますので、明確な数字はお答え致しかねます。 サイズ表記はあくまでも目安としてご参照ください。
MもしくはFREE (ワンサイズ展開の商品につきましてはタグ表記はM又はフリーサイズとなっております。)
The expected delivery period is stated on each product page. If you purchase multiple items, they will be shipped once all items are received , so please check the delivery period stated on the product details before making your decision.
(Please note that depending on the delivery date of the pre-ordered item, your payment may be withdrawn before the item arrives.)
As a guide for delivery time,
Early month: 1st to 10th Mid month: 11th to 20th Late month: 21st to 30th (31st)
It is as follows.
If the scheduled shipping date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the item will be shipped on the next business day.
Please note.